Monday, 30 December 2013

Top Records of 2013

(Image Source)

From vinyl to CD.
EPs and downloads.
Here are my top favourites from this year (in no particular order):

"HEATWAVEby Matt Wertz

"Endless Ocean / Bottomless Sea Extended Versions" by Jonathan David and Melissa Helser

"Jack Williams EP" by Jack Williams

"ANTHEM" by Hanson

"Let It Be Known" by Worship Central

"Back To Forever" by Lissie

"Days Are Gone" by HAIM

"Nothing Is Wasted" by Elevation Worship

"We Are Young & Free" by Hillsong

"United Tenors" by Hammnd, Hollister, Roberson, Wilson

"Fading West" by Switchfoot

"Fortunate Fall" by Audrey Assad

I know this album came out last year but "Battle Born" by The Killers is killer (LOL)! Heard it this year!

love & light...♥

Thursday, 19 December 2013

On Journaling.

Such a beautiful post by Audrey Assad.
I couldn't encourage this form of expression any more than I could ever try.

 "It’s almost a sacred thing in some ways, journaling—it’s quite vulnerable, leaving your thoughts and emotions on a piece of paper where anyone might ravage them, thus knowing you in a way you never intended. Perhaps this is part of the magic of it: as long as my thoughts, feelings, and deeply personal perspectives remain completely private, I am not confronted with exactly how much they mean to me. This is the threshing floor aspect of journaling for me: I write things down, and some of them leave my mind entirely, having been dumped in a place where they can no longer take up valuable space: but some of them grow and shiver with life, rising in front of me like new trees, and I must give them my time and attention, my love and my care."

Read the full blog post HERE

love & light... ♥

Friday, 22 November 2013

We ebb and we flow, so

Wandering through the unknown.
We ebb and we flow, so.
Day by day.
Excited. Expectant.

Change is inevitable. 
Autumn reminds me of that.

Through the push and pull of this life, I feel like I have experienced a lot of this recently.
Whether it be close friends moving away, change in family life/new relationships to my walk with the Lord; simply seeing a shift in my heart and mind.
Still there is beauty in this season, such beauty in change whilst God makes room for something new, all within His perfect will (Romans 8v27-28; Ecclesiastes 3v11).

Yet, fear creeps up inside of us as we approach what is not known. We worry, we panic.
We become anxious.

In Matthew 6v34 it says:
"Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."

Further on Philippians 4v6 says:
"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

We do not know what tomorrow holds so rather than being anxious, the word commands us to let our requests be made known to God, casting our cares to our Lord (Psalm 55v22), bringing everything under the authority of Jesus Christ.
I will never cease to be amazed by how God holds us in these situations, as we stand before the bridges we are to cross not knowing what lies before us and on the other side.

Honestly, something I am constantly learning to do. Daily choosing to trust Him over my circumstances as He is greater than them! A God s worthy of trust and who is NOT a God of confusion.
Learning to trust and learning to let go of what was once known, moving into the unknown without fear or anxiety. Therefore realising the essence of change; understanding the newness in life it cultivates.
Such freedom!

Be encouraged:
Change will always come. Remember that God is holding you, He neither sleeps nor slumbers (Psalm 121) Always proceed with a humble heart, trusting and being expectant.
The moments I have finally trusted God with all my heart and wait expectantly for Him, sharing my hopes with Him he moves in amazing ways. We really do serve an amazing God!

love & light...♥

"I'm drifting, closer toward the skyline, looking down on my life, trying to get just one thing right,
The second I stop second guessing, let go like a confession, seeing what I was born to find,
Flying for the first time." 

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Miriam Designs | Handmade & Hope-Filled Goods

"Little did I know how much I would learn from working alongside them... like how to laugh until it hurts, to allow hope to conquer my fear, and to experience the healing that comes through a community that loves unconditionally." - Gracie Moakler

Miriam Designs. What a beautiful find.

Honestly, I cannot even remember how I came across this, but I am sure it was somewhere along the lines of Steve Moakler, and learning about this organisation his wife was a part of.

As a lover of all things handmade/homemade with a defining purpose, I was immediately drawn to Miriam Designs and it's ethos... and of course, all the beautiful jewellery!

Here's a little bit about Miriam Designs:

"Miriam Designs is a group of women in Nashville, Tennessee who have incredible stories of survival, restoration, and hope. They help to train and employ women who have survived years on the streets and are working their way to a better life.

Our goal is to help provide work for women here in Nashville who have survived lives of prostitution, drug abuse, trafficking, or homelessness. We teach them a new skill and create a fun community for them to thrive in. I LOVE spending time with them- so it just feels like a WIN-WIN every time we get together. The current goal is to get enough work coming in that we can bring at least 1-2 women full time and hire others with steady part time work! (we have 3-4 women who work part time as of now).."

Read the full article HERE

I recently bought the 'Kyle' necklace from their store, made of five African turquoise beads, and I absolutely love it. I have my eye on a few more!
I hope you take time to look into this organisation and are blessed and inspired by their faith and encouraging hearts to serve others.

Instagram: @MiriamDesigns

Me with my 'Kyle' necklace!

"And Miriam the prophetess, sister of Aaron, took a timbrel in her hand; and all the women went out after her with timbrels and dances." 
- Exodus 15v20

love & light...♥

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Amanda Cook | Paper Planes to Foreign Skies

"From paper planes to foreign skies, You sustain my wings in flight..."

I will be honest, I thought no-one could come close to lyrical genius and music composition (in Christian music) like Audrey Assad, but hearing Amanda Falk's record 'In Between the Now & Then', I stand corrected.

Here is her song Paper planes. Enjoy.
Buy here album here: In Between The Now & Then 

love & light...♥

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Link Love / 4. Autumn Love, Winter Wanderlust

Autumn is not long round the corner, so through this season of change both in nature and in our own life's realities, I wanted to share some of my favourite links and loves I'll be enjoying these next few months!

1) Current reads:
  1. 'Home' and 'Beloved' by Toni Morrison; if you're a lover of the Southern States, captivated by good writing with a sense of mystery and hope, you'll love these two books (Still reading 'Home' at the moment and cannot let go). 
  2. 'Afterwards' by Rosamund Lupton. After reading 'Sister', Rosamund fast became one of my favourite writers. Not only for the way she captures suspense, but the way she portrays the extent of how far the love you have for a friend or relative can take you if you allow it.
2) Awesome post on 'The Titus 2 Woman' by Whole Magazine. Food for thought: Are we as 'Godly Women' living this out? Reaching to our younger sisters in Christ and helping them along their walk?

3) Music! Here's what I'll be listening to:
    My Autumn/Winter ("Extremely Mini Sample") playlist

love & light...♥

Monday, 2 September 2013

An Adventure in Worship

(N.B. To be read whilst Jonathan & Melissa Helser's 'Endless Ocean' plays in the background)

"In that day I will raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old: that they may possess the remnant of Edom, and of all the heathen, which are called by my name, saith the Lord that doeth this." 
- Amos 9 v 11-12

The state of my heart.
A deep movement within my spirit, from the belly of my soul,
That pours out of me for the love of who God is;
For what Christ has done.
The lightness of my soul, set free!
How I live and love to worship You.

So, I am back from the beauty that was David's Tent. What an amazing experience but certainly not the end of what happened throughout those 72 hours of non-stop worship.
The moment Beth and I stepped on the train heading towards Wiston Estate, every moment was God appointed. From the lovely lady (a gracious stranger), her daughter and their excitable dog Maise giving us a lift in their car (though we could barely fit) all the way to David's Tent, to us riding back in a flower printed van with seats parallel to the side of the road (thank you Jim and Natalie).

The in-between was the most beautiful bit. There has been such a shift in my spirit.
With or without intention, we as worshipers tend to limit ourselves in worshiping God. The creator of the universe. A God who humbled Himself so that Time itself and Eternity could hold Him. A God who surpasses eternity.
Have we become fearful?
Have we become too comfortable?
Have we forgotten who our God truly is, our first love?

The words 'when the minority becomes the majority' became so real during those 72 hours of worship and it is my heart to see this throughout God's church. To see people worship; breaking off the chains of fear, restraint and hindrance therefore truly worshiping God in such freedom. Freedom to express themselves and the love they have for God pour out of them. Constantly giving and giving to the Father while He sings so sweetly over us.
What a beautiful picture!
To know and be known by God in such intimacy and beauty. To stand with our brothers and sisters united in our love for God.

Every once in a while you come across those beautiful children of God, where the fragrance of Christ is so evident upon their lives and I found that with Jonathan and Melissa Helser. Such beautiful people. How they strive for their lives, their marriage, their family and community to be a reflection of who Christ is - without chains or restriction; just freedom.
Make me more like You Jesus.

I can't even express everything that happened during the event because of how it affected me as it was so spiritually moving. Sometimes, the things of the Spirit can't always be expressed in words. All I know is something has definitely shifted and change is here. No turning back.
I am so excited for what is to come and what the future holds for worshiping Abba! May we not be afraid to worship Him with EVERYTHING we have - our minds, our bodies...our spirit. Worshiping Him in spirit and in truth; after all it is these people that the Father seeks to worship Him.

love & light...♥

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Change Your Mind

(Image Source)

Yesterday I had the amazing opportunity to minister to the youth at my church... Aaaah! LOL! Needless to say, I'm so grateful that I had this opportunity and I wanted to share what I spoke on yesterday.

As a youth group, we had been looking at 'The Battlefield of the Mind'. We looked at how the mind and the heart are the same, how the things that surround us can influence our thoughts whether it is friends or music or TV shows, films etc. We also looked at how our thoughts can, and oftentimes do, turn into our actions. What myself and Josh (fellow youth leader) covered this session was how to change your mind from a mind that focuses in the internal, (the self, what you can gain personally) to a mind that focuses on the external (being in service to God and building His kingdom). 

Being a Christian is not easy. In fact, living life isn't easy. Daily, life throws us curve balls, puts obstacles in our way, which can cause us to be discouraged.
But to "make a decisive dedication of our bodies as a living sacrifice to God" (Romans 12 v 1) is to wake up every morning saying ‘I choose God’. I choose God in the midst of ALL that is going on around you; from the pain the heartache, the difficulties, not just on a good day – this being an act of sacrifice; saying I choose to walk in His will in a way that is PURE, that is your BEST (the best you have to give to God) and thirdly that is GOD-PLEASING. What we need to understand is that not everything we do pleases God, not matter how good our intentions are...

Verse 2 of Romans 12 goes on to say“be transformed by the entire renewal of your mind" – In order for your mind to completely transformed with the help of the Holy Spirit, your mindset needs a complete overturn. Changing your mindset towards things of God changes your outward look and view on life. So you begin to move away ideas and actions that are beneficial to you, and begin to lean towards things that will help build God’s Kingdom. So your view on life no longer becomes internal thinking but external thinking. It all comes down to the fact that we are here to build God’s kingdom.
Matthew 6 v 33 says "but seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." – Setting your mind on Christ and seeking God’s Kingdom above all things. Looking outwards towards Him and his kingdom, not inwards towards us and what we can reap or gain in this situation.

"A transformed mind subdues negative thoughts neither allowing them to be turned into actions." - Josh White

I was about 14-16 yrs old around the time my parents were splitting up and during this time time I had a very low and negative image of myself. I didn't view myself as beautiful or didn't see my worth/value and felt I wasn't worthy of anything, especially love. So with these thoughts I tried to seek these things in guys, in things of the flesh.
I soon came to realise that those guys I sought so hard to find my worth in, they come and go. No matter what they said about me, it wasn't solid. But God is ever constant. His words are built in solid truth, words you can stand secure in as they are a firm foundation. So all the thoughts I had about myself I learnt to lead them away captive into the obedience of Christ. It wasn't a transformation that happened overnight. It took me a couple of years before I got to a place where I completely depended on God. I learnt to trust Him and everything He had said over my life at the time.

In 2 Corinthians 10 v 3-5 it says:

“For though we walk in the flesh, we are not carrying on our warfare according to the flesh and using mere human weapons. For the weapons of our warfare are not physical, but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds. In as much as we refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the true knowledge of God; and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ.”

Prayer, worship, reading and keeping God's word are just a few weapons of our warfare that are mighty before God. What Paul is saying here in Corinthians is that you need to captivate thoughts into Christ’s obedience; whether it is thoughts of low self esteem, lust, or critical thinking of yourself and others all into Christ's obedience. Living a life like that is exhausting – it takes a lot out of you and it is spiritually draining.
What we also need to understand is not just bad thoughts that we captivate but good thoughts too. As I briefly mentioned before not all thoughts and actions are God pleasing no matter how good your intentions are.
That is why in Romans 12 v 2 it says ‘so that you may PROVE FOR YOURSELVES what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.’ This means to also prove for yourselves what God has already deemed good and acceptable and perfect so you know FOR SURE that the thought or idea you have is in line with God’s will. Having the mind of Christ as it says in 1 Corinthians 2 v 16 to guide and instruct us when proving for ourselves what is in God’s will.

It is very important that we are mindful of the things we dwell on and what we feed our minds on. As it says in Philippians 4 v 8 it says we need to meditate on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report and are of virtue. Throughout scripture it says we need to guard our heart.
In Proverbs 4 v 23 it says ‘guard your heart for out of it are the issues of life’; the wellspring of life, the products (actions) of your thoughts. You guard your heart by knowing and keeping God’s word close, through prayer, through worshiping God. Not just memorising verses but actually allowing them to sit and stay in your heart so that you might not sin against God or allow the enemy to attack you. The enemy knows the bible. If you don't know the word of God, the enemy will twist it and use it against you. By knowing and keeping God’s word in your heart, you stand strong because His word is truth, it is PURE and GOOD and it will start to show in your daily life and actions.

In 1 Corinthians 2 v 16  it says

“For who has known or understood the mind of the Lord as to guide and instruct Him and give Him knowledge? But we have the mind of Christ and do hold the thoughts of His heart.”

Thanks to the Christ and thanks to the Holy Spirit we know what is in Christ’s heart and what His thoughts are in terms of our walk with Him. It goes back to looking outwards not inwards; back to building God’s kingdom. Putting God at the centre of every thought – allowing Him to be at the forefront of our minds and in everything we do.

*NB: Scripture taken from both King James Version and The Amplified Bible.

love & light... ♥

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Outward Bound...

"Oh God why You been, hanging round in that old violin? While I've been waiting for You pull me through..."

'Poetry in motion', 'lyrics' or simply 'words strung together in a beautiful fashion'. Call it what you will, but my God there is a deep longing, a cry unto God from this beautiful song by Amos Lee.

Truthfully, a cry I have heard from my own heart.
Day by day I am learning what it means to live a full life, especially one that bears testimony to God. Though in my field of work I learn this in abundance, at times situations in life become overwhelming, thus draining me not only physically, but both spiritually and emotionally. Causing me to realise the need for renewal; a time to rest and step back from what is.

Today, I was outward bound. Out of Southampton to a different city. It was the journey I craved the most rather than the destination. I find when I am journeying spiritually, it is always accompanied by a physical journey, an open road as such; enabling me to put my thoughts together - one of my favourite ways to connect to God.

For some, it is being the company of friends, writing, or another favourite of mine, reveling in in the presence of my family. Whatever situation you are facing and however you take time to disconnect from the daily burdens this world so freely offers, make sure you step out into a personal retreat allowing yourself to be renewed and restored by God.

love & light...♥

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Life is Fleeting

So much in life is fleeting. You've got to pick early on before people tell you, you should. You've got to start deciding what you're going hold on to; whether its that friendship or relationship you're in, or that dream you have. - Zac Hanson

love & light...♥

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

TM + TN | Matt Wertz

I am so excited to share Matt Wertz this Tuesday evening! I've been a fan of his since he toured with Hanson in 2008! His music is so beautiful, cuts deep to the soul. Matt recently released a new promo EP on Noisetrade. Listening to it only a day in, I have loved every chord, beat and nuance of each song, down to the ones I previously know by heart.
With this EP, he released the new song 'Whenever You Love Somebody' which I had to share with you. Here's a little bit about the song too:

"Whenever You Love Somebody, from Whenever/Wherever, April 1, 2013
When I set out to start writing this new album, I kept finding myself drawn to the singer-songwriters from the late 80's; Richard Marx, Bryan Adams, Kenny Loggins, etc. In an attempt to channel their genius, I bought a chorus guitar pedal, broke out my Fender Stratocaster and started programming drum grooves to write to. I love this song because it really nails the whole 80's ballad thing I was going for- you gotta crank it up Higher, HIGHER! "

Check out more of Matt's music at
Download the EP from Noisetrade: Matt Wertz 'Collection'

"You risk it all to feel that fire
This crazy falling takes you higher, higher..."

love & light...♥

Sunday, 31 March 2013

The Rising Sun

"As Christ was raised to life, so shall it be that every dead thing in your life will rise with Him."

Thursday, 28 March 2013

The Sacred-Secular Divide

I came across this talk by Lecrae which talks about erasing the sacred-secular divide, understanding that your ministry in serving God can be within whatever role you choose to pursue in life.

love & light...♥

Link Love / 3. In Full Bloom

We're now in Spring yay! Here are a few of the things that are blossoming in my life (no pun intended)

1) Currently listening to Steve Moakler and Ben Rector!
2) Darling Magazine Issue No. 3 is now available for pre-order here! A little bit about 'Darling Magazine' for those who are not familiar with it.
3) Esty!! Man, I love this website, with all the beautiful handmade pieces that come along with it. Here are a few things that have caught my eye. 'Why The Caged Bird Sings (Feather Earrings)' and 'EcoShag (Infinity Scarves)'
4) Last but never least, The In.fin.8 series at Elevation Church! I shared this a while ago but wanted to share it again. God really spoke through Pastor Steven Furtick during this sermon called 'Why Does Our Faith Fail?'. It is part six but be sure to watch the others too! This video beautifully captures what the sermon is about:

love & light...♥

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

TM + TN | Steve Moakler

Everything happens for a reason.
For me I believe so, especially when it comes to music and the encounters I have with them.
Today's artist I want to share is Steve Moakler - he reminds me so much of Tyler Hilton. Such a beautiful sound and lyrics. I came across him on noisetrade but this is not the first encounter I have had with his music. His music was featured in 'October Baby'; a very beautiful film I would advise everyone to see!

Here is his song 'Hesitate' which I adore and I hope you do too!

"Excuse me while I fall for you."
love & light...♥

p.s. He does a lot of 'one take' videos. This one is pretty awesome too!

Friday, 22 March 2013

Friday's Wisdom | A Woman Of True Beauty

"A woman of true beauty is a woman who in the depths of her soul is at rest, trusting in God because she has come to know Him to be worthy of her trust. 
She exudes a sense of calm, a sense of rest, and invites those around her to rest as well.
She speaks comfort; she knows that we live in a world at war, that we have a vicious enemy, and our journey is through a broken world.
But she also knows that because of God all is well, that all will be well.

A woman of true beauty offers others the grace to be and the room to become.

In her presence we release the tension and pressure that so often grip our hearts. 
We can also breathe in the truth that God loves us and He is good."

- John & Stasi Eldredge

love & light...♥

Thursday, 21 March 2013

The Sweetest Song

I just wanted to share a word of encouragement that I received from this sweet song by JJ Heller.

There may come a time in your life when you may feel like you are not in control. You have suffered loss, or have been praying fervently for something, passionately pursuing the Lord yet it feels like your heart's desire has not been met or you question why these situations occur in your life - why we hurt or suffer.

We may not understand God's plan but we know who He is. Know the Lord, your God and know that he knows you. Know that He is a loving God. A God who cares for us, thinks good thoughts towards us, wants the best for us. Do not grow weary but stay strong in Him. Even when you don't understand or you feel at your worst, that is the time to lean on the Lord.

Like the scripture in Ecclesiastes 3v1 says: "to everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven". A time will come when you will reap what you have sown into the Lord. You may suffer loss but know God has a bigger plan and purpose for every situation that occurs in your life.

"I don't know, I don't know what You're doing, but I know who You are."

love & light...♥

Monday, 18 March 2013

Why Does Our Faith Fail?

I wanted to share this sermon Pastor Steven Furtick preached. I was really touched by this and how God spoke through him. It came just at the right time. I hope it touches you like it has touched and moved me. Here is the preview:

You can watch the full sermon here: Click Part Six

love & light...♥

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

TM + TN | Hilary & Kate

"You will come jealous for your own
You will come to bring the wayward home
For your bride you will return with trumpet sound
When you ride the clouds and we are found."

Oh, Oh, Oh, so thankful this Tuesday night I have come across this interview on Wonderfully Made Blog featuring Hilary & Kate, a musical duo. I am so excited for what God has in store for these two. With their beautiful acoustic/folk sound, how could I not be captivated by it? So natural and powerful. Not only that, there is such an overwhelming sense of longing, passion and thirst for the Lord which can oftentimes be taken for granted or overlooked. I am so blessed by these two, especially the lyrics for this song on Hilary's part.

I know it is only Tuesday, but I cannot wait for Friday (my day off) where I sit down with my guitar, this song, lyrics and chords, learning it to the T!

Visit their website here: Hilary & Kate

love & light...♥

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Darling Insta Challenge

Darling Magazine have started an instagram challenge for the month of March, with cool quirky questions which I thought would be fun to do. So here it is! I will be posting mine on here and on twitter! If you participate, don't forget to: #DarlingInstaChallenge

Day 1: The Place Where You Find Rest - In Christ

Day 2: Favourite Tool In The Kitchen: My personal recipe book!

Day 3: Reason Why You Last Laughed Uproarously: The pony dancing to Fleetwood Mac!

Day 4: Favourite Word: Because

Day 5: Must Read: The Book of Isaiah!!

Day 6: View Of Your City/Town: London & Southampton, UK

Day 7: Family Heirloom: Kente Cloth (A Ghanian Culture Heirloom)

Day 8: Next Trip You Hope To Take: To Virginia USA (again) please!

Day 9: How Do You Take Your Coffee: Coffee? Hot Chocolate #ALLTHEWAY!

Day 10: Beauty In Unexpected Places:

Day 11 & 12: Your Darling Persona/Something Dreamy: The Dreamer/My Painting:

love & light...♥

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

TM + TN | Lizz Wright

Ever since I got my electric guitar, I have been listening to a lot of soulful sounds, from the likes of Joss Stone to Eva Cassidy as well as my Motown favourites such as The Temptations, Otis Redding and The Four Tops, trying to pin point what sound I want my new guitar to birth.
I wanted to share the beautiful music of Lizz Wright. She has such a deep soulful voice; one you cannot encounter without your entire being, being moved by it. This is her song 'Hit The Ground', I hope you enjoy it as much as I do:

love & light...♥

Friday, 4 January 2013

New Year, New Dreams.

First blog post of 2013; happy new year!
I recently came across a blog post which couldn't have possibly come at a better time.

"In light of what I'm calling my recent "third-life crisis," I've been dreaming brand new dreams that feel foreign and uncomfortable. Dreaming new dreams is scary but exhilarating at the same time. I've been gazing into my life's rear view mirror to look at the things that made me come alive as a freckle-faced little girl and I've been rekindling them: wide open spaces, dolphins, the sea, horses, dancing, running, sports, books, drawing, writing, creating.

At the same time I've been reflecting on the things that have been killing my soul, subtly but violently:
comparison, fear of what others think, social media, worry over money and financial security, negative body-image, socially acceptable addictions, noise.

What are some of the dreams of your little girl heart? What are the things that have been killing them, subtly but dangerously?"

Lately I've been feeling bogged down with the things that have been killing my soul, scrambling to find that place where I dreamed passionately and burned for the things that made me come alive.
Similar to Allie, the things that made me come alive as a young girl were: dreaming of riding horses in open fields, clear blue skies, dancing, music, READING like no other, writing endlessly, daydreaming of the unknown, drawing, visiting America!

As for the things that have been weighing me down: my busy work schedule, focusing on the here, now and what IS; not pushing for the 'something more' like I used to.

Lately, my prayer has been to be persistent and dream for the something more, fearlessly. Not being afraid to dream and not growing weary in these times, understanding that there will be moments I will be most uncomfortable but knowing and believing beauty will be borne from it all. I hope and pray that you are equally encouraged as I was by Allie's post, not being afraid to dream new dreams and remembering to take the time to realise when you are becoming too immersed in the 'what is' and accepting it knowing full well God has much more in store for your life.

love & light...♥


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