Thursday, 21 March 2013

The Sweetest Song

I just wanted to share a word of encouragement that I received from this sweet song by JJ Heller.

There may come a time in your life when you may feel like you are not in control. You have suffered loss, or have been praying fervently for something, passionately pursuing the Lord yet it feels like your heart's desire has not been met or you question why these situations occur in your life - why we hurt or suffer.

We may not understand God's plan but we know who He is. Know the Lord, your God and know that he knows you. Know that He is a loving God. A God who cares for us, thinks good thoughts towards us, wants the best for us. Do not grow weary but stay strong in Him. Even when you don't understand or you feel at your worst, that is the time to lean on the Lord.

Like the scripture in Ecclesiastes 3v1 says: "to everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven". A time will come when you will reap what you have sown into the Lord. You may suffer loss but know God has a bigger plan and purpose for every situation that occurs in your life.

"I don't know, I don't know what You're doing, but I know who You are."

love & light...♥

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