Sunday, 31 March 2013

The Rising Sun

"As Christ was raised to life, so shall it be that every dead thing in your life will rise with Him."

Thursday, 28 March 2013

The Sacred-Secular Divide

I came across this talk by Lecrae which talks about erasing the sacred-secular divide, understanding that your ministry in serving God can be within whatever role you choose to pursue in life.

love & light...♥

Link Love / 3. In Full Bloom

We're now in Spring yay! Here are a few of the things that are blossoming in my life (no pun intended)

1) Currently listening to Steve Moakler and Ben Rector!
2) Darling Magazine Issue No. 3 is now available for pre-order here! A little bit about 'Darling Magazine' for those who are not familiar with it.
3) Esty!! Man, I love this website, with all the beautiful handmade pieces that come along with it. Here are a few things that have caught my eye. 'Why The Caged Bird Sings (Feather Earrings)' and 'EcoShag (Infinity Scarves)'
4) Last but never least, The In.fin.8 series at Elevation Church! I shared this a while ago but wanted to share it again. God really spoke through Pastor Steven Furtick during this sermon called 'Why Does Our Faith Fail?'. It is part six but be sure to watch the others too! This video beautifully captures what the sermon is about:

love & light...♥

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

TM + TN | Steve Moakler

Everything happens for a reason.
For me I believe so, especially when it comes to music and the encounters I have with them.
Today's artist I want to share is Steve Moakler - he reminds me so much of Tyler Hilton. Such a beautiful sound and lyrics. I came across him on noisetrade but this is not the first encounter I have had with his music. His music was featured in 'October Baby'; a very beautiful film I would advise everyone to see!

Here is his song 'Hesitate' which I adore and I hope you do too!

"Excuse me while I fall for you."
love & light...♥

p.s. He does a lot of 'one take' videos. This one is pretty awesome too!

Friday, 22 March 2013

Friday's Wisdom | A Woman Of True Beauty

"A woman of true beauty is a woman who in the depths of her soul is at rest, trusting in God because she has come to know Him to be worthy of her trust. 
She exudes a sense of calm, a sense of rest, and invites those around her to rest as well.
She speaks comfort; she knows that we live in a world at war, that we have a vicious enemy, and our journey is through a broken world.
But she also knows that because of God all is well, that all will be well.

A woman of true beauty offers others the grace to be and the room to become.

In her presence we release the tension and pressure that so often grip our hearts. 
We can also breathe in the truth that God loves us and He is good."

- John & Stasi Eldredge

love & light...♥

Thursday, 21 March 2013

The Sweetest Song

I just wanted to share a word of encouragement that I received from this sweet song by JJ Heller.

There may come a time in your life when you may feel like you are not in control. You have suffered loss, or have been praying fervently for something, passionately pursuing the Lord yet it feels like your heart's desire has not been met or you question why these situations occur in your life - why we hurt or suffer.

We may not understand God's plan but we know who He is. Know the Lord, your God and know that he knows you. Know that He is a loving God. A God who cares for us, thinks good thoughts towards us, wants the best for us. Do not grow weary but stay strong in Him. Even when you don't understand or you feel at your worst, that is the time to lean on the Lord.

Like the scripture in Ecclesiastes 3v1 says: "to everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven". A time will come when you will reap what you have sown into the Lord. You may suffer loss but know God has a bigger plan and purpose for every situation that occurs in your life.

"I don't know, I don't know what You're doing, but I know who You are."

love & light...♥

Monday, 18 March 2013

Why Does Our Faith Fail?

I wanted to share this sermon Pastor Steven Furtick preached. I was really touched by this and how God spoke through him. It came just at the right time. I hope it touches you like it has touched and moved me. Here is the preview:

You can watch the full sermon here: Click Part Six

love & light...♥

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

TM + TN | Hilary & Kate

"You will come jealous for your own
You will come to bring the wayward home
For your bride you will return with trumpet sound
When you ride the clouds and we are found."

Oh, Oh, Oh, so thankful this Tuesday night I have come across this interview on Wonderfully Made Blog featuring Hilary & Kate, a musical duo. I am so excited for what God has in store for these two. With their beautiful acoustic/folk sound, how could I not be captivated by it? So natural and powerful. Not only that, there is such an overwhelming sense of longing, passion and thirst for the Lord which can oftentimes be taken for granted or overlooked. I am so blessed by these two, especially the lyrics for this song on Hilary's part.

I know it is only Tuesday, but I cannot wait for Friday (my day off) where I sit down with my guitar, this song, lyrics and chords, learning it to the T!

Visit their website here: Hilary & Kate

love & light...♥

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Darling Insta Challenge

Darling Magazine have started an instagram challenge for the month of March, with cool quirky questions which I thought would be fun to do. So here it is! I will be posting mine on here and on twitter! If you participate, don't forget to: #DarlingInstaChallenge

Day 1: The Place Where You Find Rest - In Christ

Day 2: Favourite Tool In The Kitchen: My personal recipe book!

Day 3: Reason Why You Last Laughed Uproarously: The pony dancing to Fleetwood Mac!

Day 4: Favourite Word: Because

Day 5: Must Read: The Book of Isaiah!!

Day 6: View Of Your City/Town: London & Southampton, UK

Day 7: Family Heirloom: Kente Cloth (A Ghanian Culture Heirloom)

Day 8: Next Trip You Hope To Take: To Virginia USA (again) please!

Day 9: How Do You Take Your Coffee: Coffee? Hot Chocolate #ALLTHEWAY!

Day 10: Beauty In Unexpected Places:

Day 11 & 12: Your Darling Persona/Something Dreamy: The Dreamer/My Painting:

love & light...♥


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