Tuesday, 13 November 2012

TM + TN | Elevation Worship

I've been following Elevation Church//Elevation Worship for a good 5 or 6 months now. I've been so blessed by the preaching from Pastor Steven Furtick and the worship pouring out of this church through its members and the praise & worship team. Elevation Worship has a new song 'Be Lifted High' which I wanted to share for today's Tuesday Morning & Tuesday Night music session.

"Focus my eyes away from myself. You become grater, I become less."

Buy the single here.

love & light...♥

Tuesday, 6 November 2012


So, I'm really excited for this Tuesday's music session. Two brothers (Luke and Joel) form 'for KING & COUNTRY'. Here's a little bit about them and the music:

“We want to deliver a message that is about believing in something much bigger than oneself,” explains Luke. “The title track of the album has a line in the chorus that very plainly says, ‘hope is what we crave.’ You can confidently go through the ups and downs in your life because you know that life isn’t all about you and what you do but rather the hope and salvation of Christ.” 

“We want to be known for writing music that is authentic, real and from the heart,” adds Joel. “Music has been a very therapeutic thing for us."

They're also the younger brothers of Rebecca St. James! Enjoy the music.
Visit their website here.

love & light...♥

Friday, 2 November 2012

Friday's Wisdom | The Freedom to Just Be

"I sometimes wonder if we give ourselves and others the freedom to be shy on Monday and outgoing on Tuesday." - Darling Magazine

Sometimes we need to allow others the grace to be weak and the freedom to just be.
I've come to realise when we don't leave room for this we, in turn, expect too much from others and often times too little. Things we could never expect or achieve on our own part, thus unknowingly imparting the responsibility on others when actually, it is God who fulfills all criteria.

Not everyone has gone through similar situations or circumstances you have been in or are currently going through, yet we become disappointed when we  feel as if we don't get enough or the right support from the people we expect it from the most; our friends and family. In this life, people will fail you. Not because they set out to but simply consider the option that they are unaware of how to help you through the situation. It is so important that we don't measure a man according to his mistakes or inability to provide for you. God is our ultimate provider. We depend upon Him, completely, absolutely. He will never disappoint you.

love & light...♥


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