Saturday, 4 May 2013

Outward Bound...

"Oh God why You been, hanging round in that old violin? While I've been waiting for You pull me through..."

'Poetry in motion', 'lyrics' or simply 'words strung together in a beautiful fashion'. Call it what you will, but my God there is a deep longing, a cry unto God from this beautiful song by Amos Lee.

Truthfully, a cry I have heard from my own heart.
Day by day I am learning what it means to live a full life, especially one that bears testimony to God. Though in my field of work I learn this in abundance, at times situations in life become overwhelming, thus draining me not only physically, but both spiritually and emotionally. Causing me to realise the need for renewal; a time to rest and step back from what is.

Today, I was outward bound. Out of Southampton to a different city. It was the journey I craved the most rather than the destination. I find when I am journeying spiritually, it is always accompanied by a physical journey, an open road as such; enabling me to put my thoughts together - one of my favourite ways to connect to God.

For some, it is being the company of friends, writing, or another favourite of mine, reveling in in the presence of my family. Whatever situation you are facing and however you take time to disconnect from the daily burdens this world so freely offers, make sure you step out into a personal retreat allowing yourself to be renewed and restored by God.

love & light...♥


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